In Christian symbolism the "Bee" represents the immortality of the soul and signifies the resurrection. It is also a sign of wisdom.
Available in Pewter.
"Birth" was created for the artist for the YWCA in Salt Lake City, Utah. It represents a symbol for a new beginning. The two circles overlapping are symbolic of a mother and child.
Available in Silver.
The artist was inspired to create "Dragonfly" by a friend who suffered from domestic violence. In the 1920’s. people would paint a Dragonfly symbol on the side of their home to show that it was a safe place to go if you were being abused.
Available in both Pewter and Silver.
"Eden" was inspired by the town the artist lives in: Eden, Utah. The design was created based on her love for the mountains and the water, and all the joy and gifts that nature has to offer.
Available in Pewter.
"Flight" was created for the YWCA in Salt Lake City, Utah. The design represents using all that you have learned to FLY, and developing the skills to help others. Everyone needs an angel looking out for them.
Available in Pewter and Silver.
"Good Omen" Chinese Chops: The smiling mouth. Deep joy, venerable, wise person, utters good omens.
Available in Pewter.
The "Horse Head" pendant was designed using negative space. You can see the two horse heads, represented in a “yen and yang” fashion.
Available in Pewter.
The "Image Reborn" pendant was created as a symbol that encompasses the important work that this group does. The heart represents love and the flower represents the hope in healing.
Available in Pewter and Silver.
The "Life" pendant was originally created for the YWCA in Salt Lake City, Utah. It's represents growing, learning and embracing the gift of life!
Available in Silver.
Silver only
"Love" Chinese Chops: The three curves represents the three lobes of the heart, resting on a firm foundation.
Available in Pewter.
"Love Whole Heart" as created for a dear friend of the artist during her battle with brain cancer. The pendant symbolizes her love for life and the river.
Available in Pewter and Silver.
"Monica's Hope" was created for a friend of the artist that is battling leukemia.
Available in Pewter.
"Peace" Chinese Chops: Calm, level, balance. A women beneath a roof conveys a sense of tranquility and serenity.
Available in Pewter.
"Peace Heart" represents the love in our hearts that is essential for peace in our world.
Available in Pewter.
The "Rape Recovery" pendant was inspired by the Rape Recovery logo, and is intended to be a tool to create a dialog that raises awareness about sexual violence.
Available in Pewter.
The "Ski" pendant was created in the Fall of 2010. The imprints on these pendants are inspired by the last fallen leaves before the first snow. This pendant was created based on the artist's excitement for one of her favorite sports, and one of her favorite seasons in northern Utah.
Available in Pewter.
The "Snowboard" pendant was created in the Fall of 2010. The imprints on these pendants are from the last fallen leaves before the first snow. The artist created this design based on her excitement for one of her favorite sports, and one of her favorite seasons in northern Utah.
Available in Pewter.
The "Strength" pendant is based on the symbol of the first chakra. It represents the grounding roots that keep us strong with the window of all that is possible.
Available in Silver.
"Strength" Chinese Chops: “Sinew” are the tendons that join our muscles to our bones, and represent a message of encouragement.
Available in Pewter.
The "Tree Lady" pendent symbolizes the strength of a woman - always grounded, giving and reaching to the light.
Available in Pewter and Silver.
Love is like a "Wild Rose"... strong, beautiful, wild and free!
Available in Pewter.
"Balance" is based on a symbol of the second chakra. It represents balance in life, friendships, and relationships. In the second chakra we create life in all forms such as art, music, poetry - it is a sacred place to manifest dreams.
Available in Pewter.